The sourceing of this article as a pre-teen, all information is from the perspective of a pre-teen; this is a important perspective to show as children are reading less and less, i think its important to stop this trend, thank you for my source.
Find a book from a movie or series you like
Start with your favorite TV show or movie series, this is a great place to start your love of reading as you already have a love and interest in the lore, characters and are invested in the whole story.
Reading additional lore and character will add extra context to your favourite shows, making your experience of it even better.
The source of this read many of there favorite shows and movies, Percy Jackson being there favorite and they have read all the books, as she has read and watched both she has passionate opinions on both, reading books have given her a different perspective.
Don’t judge a book by its cover
“ you never could have a book with beautiful colours with pallets, colour coordination that match and you open the book and it’s nothing you expected”
This quote perfectly shows why you should never judge a book, this goes for the actual saying and literally.
Ask your school librarian for recommendation
Usually most people start with favorites such as Harry Potter, when you finished reaching out to a librarian for recommendations on new books to explore, as there may be more books based or influenced by a book you have read before.
Make time to read
You could have a complete full schedule, full of school and after school Clubs, in school you could have a full schedule, some things you can put aside, you don’t want your parents telling you off for reading late at night, when you have school the next day.
Further more, reading earlier means you have more time to read and enjoy the book you are reading at your own pace.
Final words from co-author
“ I like to read big books, you should try them to”